Happiness to Peace!Where there was a choice to be rich, famous, happy or healthy, I choose to be Happy and Healthy! I’m honest to my heart! But not everyone…May 26, 2022May 26, 2022
Outing to Palani for a Day!Feeling blessed to travel with mom and also meet friends who moved from Bangalore to their native to work from home due to the pandemic!!May 6, 2022May 6, 2022
PrioritiesLife is all about priorities. Apart from yourself, not everyone and everything is always on top or with the same priorities. It’s based on…May 5, 2022May 5, 2022
Hero and Villain!I’m the Hero and Villain of my own life, Hero because I made most of my life decisions like Education, Job, Love, Marriage and future and I…May 2, 2022May 2, 2022
Trust & Freedom!If you are Mama’s babies and Dad’s darlings, please think before getting married... If you can’t make your life partner first priority…Apr 29, 2022Apr 29, 2022
Entrepreneurship LifeIn business you just have to sell, here we need to sell, exhibit, network, collaborate, innovate, dance and whatnot… Love the pressure and…Apr 28, 2022Apr 28, 2022
Life Attachment LoveNever ever get emotionally invested in anyone, because for you they will be your first priority and for them you may be their last or not…Apr 25, 2022Apr 25, 2022
AcceptancePeople who want to be accepted as they are, never accept others as they are…Apr 24, 2022Apr 24, 2022